The McGill-Queen's University Press book publishing publicity site.
- A Surgeon in the Army of the Potomac- Cheryl A. Wells
- adamson- mr. charlotte bronte
- Andrews- The Slow Food Story
- announcements
- Barbara Rieti- Making Witches
- Blema Steinberg, Women in Power
- Bourg, Julian - From Revolution to Ethics
- Cecil Foster’s Blackness and Modernity
- David A. Wilson, Thomas D'arcy McGee, Volume 1
- DeWitt- Jan van Noordt
- Don Akenson
- Double Lives: Writing and Motherhood
- Francois Mai, Diagnosing Genius
- gangs and girls
- Gerhard P. Bassler, Vikings to U-Boats
- heiss & minter anthology...
- Hermann Gruenwald
- Holly Dressel-Who Killed the Queen
- Jacob Neusner, A Rabbi Talks with Jesus
- Jim Wellman- Managing Canada's Fisheries
- John O'Brian and Peter White, Beyond Wilderness
- John Shaw, The Blue Mountains and Other Gaelic Stories from Cape Breton
- Killinger, Barbara - Integrity
- Kyla Madden, Forkhill Protestants and Forkhill Catholics
- Miller, Mary Jane - Outside Looking In
- Naomi Guttman's Wet Apples, White Blood_
- Nortin M. Hadler, The Last Well Person
- Paul Eid
- Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young, Legalizing Misandry
- Phyllis Brett Young-Psyche
- QPS-in roosevelt's bright shadow
- Raymond Litalien, Jean-Francois Palomino & Denis Vaugeois
- Reinhold Kramer- Mordecai Richler:Leaving St.Urbain
- Robert Rapley, Witch Hunts
- Roy MacLaren
- Sean Kennedy, 'Reconciling France Against Democracy: The Croix de Feu and the Parti Social Francais
- Sherry Simon, Translating Montreal
- Sibley, Robert - Northern Spirits
- Stephen Brumwell, Paths of Glory
- Suzanne Evans, Mothers of Heroes, Mothers of Martyrs
- Tom Flanagan
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